



通讯地址:北京市朝阳区平乐园100号 北京工业大学软件楼517







1998-至今 北京工业大学







1. 大气污染防治认证评价技术体系研究与信息系统建设 国家重点研发项目

2. 基于行为声明及免疫算法的软件可信性验证方法的研究 北京市教委面上科技项目

3. 质检公益性行业科研专项-基于可信计算的软件质量测试模型的研究 国家质检公益专项

4. 水泥基材料多源多态数据库建立及数字化研发平台的设计 企业委托

5. 东四南街巷微空间营造项目 企业委托





1. 《云计算及应用》 教材 国家开放大学出版社

2. 《基于行为声明的可信性验证》国家标准 中国国家标准化委员会

3. 《软件功能测试及工具应用》 教材 清华大学出版社


[1] K. Wang and X. Yu, "Credibility of Browser Extension Program Based on Behavioral Statement," 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC), 2021, pp. 333-336, doi: 10.1109/IPEC51340.2021.9421124. EI: 20212110392315

[2] X. Yu and T. Zheng, "Trusted Analysis of Interaction Behavior of Distributed Nodes based on Checkpoints," 2021 IEEE Conference on Telecommunications, Optics and Computer Science (TOCS), 2021, pp. 341-347, doi: 10.1109/TOCS53301.2021.9688699.

[3] Gao, Yong; Yu, Xuejun; Design and Implementation of Trusted Plug-in Based on Kylin Operating System Platform; Journal of Physics: Conference Series; 1544(1) EI: 20202508834907

[4] Zhuo,Wei and Yu,Xuejun, Research on credible software test case generation based on behavior declaration, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Volume:82 Issue 3:pp.61-72, EI: 20203209029332

[5]  Zhuo, Wei ,Yu, Xuejun; A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Dynamic Adaptive and Chaotic Search. 2019, 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials and Manufacturing Engineering; EI: 20194507628509

[6] Xuejun Yu, Ran Xiao; Research on Application’s Credibility TestMethod and Calculation Method Basedon Application Behavior Declaration; 6th International Conference on Frontier Computing, FC 2018; 2019:1-10; EI: 20192206975275

[7] 于学军,肖然.基于行为声明的可信性测试方法与可信度计算研究.计算机系统应用,2018,27(11):17-26

[8] Yu, XJ. Feng, D Research on Credible Demand Analysis Method Based on Risk Driven Mobile Application Software. 2018 Wireless Personal Communications 2018-3-9. WOS:000450754400056

[9] Xuejun Yu, Jing Wang; A preliminary study of automatic generation of credibility test casesbased on immune algorithm; CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS; DOI: 10.1007/s10586-018-2427-1; WOS: 000501745700176

[10] Yu Xuejun; Jiang Guangzhi; Wang Pu; Song Hongbo; Wang Kun; Liang Yong, Research on Application's Credibility Verification Based on ABD. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences,2016,21(01):63-68. CSCD: 5616682       

[11] Y. Tian and X. Yu, "Trustworthiness study of HDFS data storage based on trustworthiness metrics and KMS encryption," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Computer Applications (ICPECA), 2021, pp. 962-966, doi: 10.1109/ICPECA51329.2021.9362537.

[12] S. Wang and X. Yu, "Research on Trusted Identification of Blockchain Uploaded Data," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA), 2020, pp. 1036-1044, doi: 10.1109/ICAICA50127.2020.9181948.

[13] Shen,Yuang and Yu,Xuejun, Docker container hardening method based on trusted computing, 2020 13th International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, ICCEE 2020, Volume: 1619 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1619/1/012014.

[14] Yu, Xuejun, Miao, Xiaofeng; Credibility evaluation method of software based on fuzzy mathematics theory; UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; 82:(49-60); EI: 20203209029327

[15] Yu, Xuejun, Liu Yang; Research on software user behavior credibility analysis model based on multi-strategy learning algorithm; UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; 82(3):15-26;EI:20203209029323

[16] 李圳,于学军.基于滑动窗口的云服务可信评估模型优化.计算机系统应用,2019,28(7):35-43

[17] Lin, Yu  Yu, Xuejun; Trusted behavior identification model for distributed node; JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS;卷: 37 期: 4 页: 4621-4631;WOS:000494280000025

[18] Yu Xuejun, Yang Ruilan; Research on way of evaluating cloud end user behavior’s credibility based on the methodology of multilevel fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Proceedings of 2017 6th International Conference on software and Computer Applications, ICSCA 2017 : 165-170; EI: 20172003683638

[19] Yang, Ruilan; Yu,xuejun Research on Building the credibility Evaluation’s Indicator System of Cloud End user’s Behavior; 3rd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (2017): 43-47;EI: 20173404057838